As a newly elected state senator, I was very pleased to learn that several senators in the Nebraska Legislature were committed Christians who believed that the Bible is the Word of God. It was obvious they desired that their lives would be a positive Christian witness to those with whom they worked, as well as the to the people of the state. One of the highlights of each week was attending the senator’s Bible study, led by Perry Gauthier. Perry’s belief that the Bible is God’s Word, and that we are commanded to know it, study it, and apply it to our lives provided encouragement to face the challenges that came with our position as senators. Perry’s deep love for the Lord. his commitment to serve elected officials and see them grow in their faith, his constant availability to encourage, strengthened our resolve to be salt and light, and to stand firm for truth knowing that God alone is the One who has established that truth. He does not set a new pattern based on the world’s view. Now together, Perry and Faith continue the work God has called them to do. They work as “unto the Lord” for the right reason, in the right way, and for the sole purpose of advancing the Kingdom of God. I will forever be grateful for their ministry!
Sen. Tom Carlson
Former Nebraska State Senator, Legislative District 38
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