Sen. Tom Carlson

Former Nebraska State Senator, Legislative District 38

As a newly elected state senator, I was very pleased to learn that several senators in the Nebraska Legislature were committed Christians who believed that the Bible is the Word of God. It was obvious they desired that their lives would be a positive Christian witness to those with whom they worked, as well as


Sen. Myron Dorn

Nebraska Legislative District 30

I look forward to our weekly Capitol Studies Bible studies led by Arin Hess. The insight into the history of the bible and the explanations of why and what happened have been excellent.  The support provided by others is a great encouragement each week. A special thank you to Arin for his service and commitment to


Alex Gage

Former Capitol Staff

During my five and a half years at the Nebraska State Capitol building, I had the privilege of attending a Bible study sponsored by Perry and Faith Gauthier. I am very thankful for the work they have done and are continuing to do in capitols around the United States and around the world. It is

Testimonial Pic

Sen. Michael McDonnell

Nebraksa Legislative District 5

When we gather to study the Bible, it helps us to improve as Senators and be the best version of ourselves. In studying God’s Word, we are able to reflect on biblical lessons and apply them to our lives to ensure that we are making the best decisions for the people we serve rather than selfish


Sen. Joni Albrecht

Nebraska Legislative District 17

I have been involved with Bible study at the Capitol for the last 6 years. It has meant so much to me, keeping me grounded in the Word. Staying Christ-centered in all I do helps get me through the trying times in my life. The fellowship with like-minded senators, along with Chaplain Hess and his wife


Sen. Rob Clements

Nebraksa Legislative District 2

The Capitol Studies Bible study has helped me apply Godly principles to current Legislative issues.  The study time also helps Senators get to know each other and share our beliefs. Pastor Arin and AnnMarie Hess are faithful servants, always eager to encourage and pray for Senators and staff.

Mark Christensen

Former Nebraska State Senator, Legislative District 44

In serving as a State Senator, I'm obligated to balance personal desires with those whom I represent, as well as all citizens of Nebraska. More importantly, I'm to live out my faith. Perry and Faith Gauthier, with Capitol Studies, Int’l have been tremendously helpful to me in this regard. Their Bible studies have


Sen. Steve Erdman

Nebraska Legislative District 47

Capitol Studies has been a great opportunity for me to be involved in learning and applying  God's word in the day-to-day activities of serving in the legislature. Our Bible studies are vital to helping one make a practical application of Biblical principles in governing! Arin Hess was sent to us by God and has been a great encouragement


Faith Gauthier

Arin has a pastor’s heart. He is easy to talk to and has a world of Biblical knowledge. He is a wonderful friend and pastor to those serving Nebraska in the political world. I believe God sent Arin and his wonderful wife Anne Marie because they are perfectly prepared for this mission. They are a Godly,


Sen. John Arch

Nebraska Legislative District 14

I have found the Bible studies led by Chaplain Arin Hess to be a real source of encouragement to stay focused on God and His Word as we do our work in the legislature. That weekly reminder and the support of fellow Senators who gather is just what I need to continue my pursuit of His


Julie Condon

Committee Clerk Government, Military and Veteran Affairs

The opportunity to attend your Bible study is very necessary for me. As you are aware, working in this setting of law-making is very fast paced and stressful for everyone. I always look forward to this one hour a week where I can join fellow believers and study the Word of God. It calms me


Rod Krogh

Legislative Staff Member

I have been attending the Bible studies for legislative staffers for several years. They are very informative, enabling me to grow in my faith and help me better understand and appreciate God’s Word. The Bible study materials Perry provides are incredibly well-written and based on Scripture. At Bible study sessions, Perry allows participants to offer their


Jon Shipman

Administrative Assistant for Senator Murman

Having a meal served to us in the middle of the week is a true blessing, especially during a busy legislative session. Coupled with Christian fellowship, a lesson that speaks especially to us as legislative staff. It is a real shot in the arm for me each week, and Arin is always available to reach


Sen. Dave Murman

Nebraska Legislative District 38

I am thankful for the opportunity to meet with Arin, Anne Marie, and a substantial group of senators every week to study God’s Word and pray. It is encouraging to know that others in public service are striving to seek the Lord’s guidance.

Mark Christensen

Former Nebraska State Senator, Legislative District 44

Capitol Studies is a vital support to legislators desiring to sustain the Founding Father's objective of an America able to exercise freedom of religion and to keep a focus on what is most important, the King of kings! The emotions involved with developing legislation can easily distract the legislator from God's will. The Bible contains the


Sen. Steve Halloran

Nebraska Legislative District 33

Government derives its authority from God to promote good and restrain evil, as expressly stated in Rom. 13:1-7. Arin and Anne Hess, through Capitol Studies, have helped Senators stay grounded in this truth through power and study.  We are grateful for their ministry!