The 2022 Nebraska Legislature adjourned sine die (Latin), “without a set day to resume,” on Wednesday, April 20. Nebraska is blessed to have some very godly representatives, but they are often quite viciously attacked because of their biblical positions. This was a highly volatile and stressful session, but my heart was touched to hear the senators in our Bible study asking God to help them act and respond in ways that would honor Him.
Nehemiah Studies and the Shofar
One of our last Nehemiah studies talked about praising God with instrumental and vocal music. The next week one of the senators brought his shofar and played a call to worship for all of us. April 13 was our last Bible study for the senators, but I was able to meet with them for a final prayer on the 20th.
A Bigger Space for Staff Studies
Staff members work at the Capitol year-round, so we will continue to offer a Bible study/lunch for them during the summer months. You may remember that we asked you to pray about a bigger room for these studies. God has graciously answered by giving us two options! We have been using the first option, the Capitol cafeteria, for the past month. Everyone now has a place to sit, even though the number of attendees has continued to grow as you can see in the picture. The downside is that there are definite distractions with the noise and movement of others also using the cafeteria.
That brings me to option #2. One of the staff members checked into the possibility of using a large private room in the Administration Building located across the street from the Capitol. We have received permission to use this spacious room every Wednesday throughout the summer months. Since it is a meeting room, we now have equipment allowing us to share a WallBuilders video series, “Foundations of Freedom”, on the Biblical foundation of our country. The drawback to this room is that the staff must leave the Capitol to attend. Would you pray that God will make clear to us which of these rooms is the best?
Printed Bible Studies Bring Results
The hard copies that I deliver each week are being read by many who do not even attend the Bible studies. One senator recently emailed and asked if we could meet to talk about them. More staff members are coming each Wednesday. Last week’s Easter study pointedly shared the Gospel from 1 Corinthians 15. Some attendees are not saved but seem open to the Gospel. I would appreciate your prayers as I request to begin one-on-one Bible studies with them.
Please Continue to Pray!
The senators’ jobs do not end when they go back to their homes. Pray for courage to stand for God and His Word. Pray for protection and purity as they often face Satanic opposition and temptation. Pray also that the biblical truths we have studied for the past few months will bring forth fruit in their lives.
God continues to financially supply through gifts of people like you – for which we are most appreciative! All through the month of May, gifts given to Capitol Studies through “Give to Lincoln Day” will be matched. Would you consider giving an extra gift during May? Thank you! You are making a difference!
May God Bless You!
Arin Hess, Chaplain and President
Capitol Studies
Phone: 402-770-6270
~ I shall speak Thy testimonies before kings, and shall not be ashamed! ~
Psalms 119:46
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