Think of what could happen if more leaders today had a heart for God and His people. The Biblical foundation of our country needs to be rebuilt!
Bible Studies
As we strive towards these goals in His name, we will resume Bible studies with our Nebraska senators and their staff in January and continue through April using the book of Nehemiah to illustrate Scriptural principles for governing our lives and our nation. Nehemiah had a heart for God and His people. Because of that, God used him to lead the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2:12).
We are also working to initiate Bible studies in the Executive and Judicial branches of our state government. This is God’s good work.
Will You Partner With Us?
Will you commit to pray for us in this momentous task? Could you partner with us in a year-end gift to further this outreach? (Click HERE or see below.) Together we can make a difference for God’s glory and America’s good!
Happy New Year!
Arin Hess, Chaplain and President
Capitol Studies Nebraska
Phone: 402-750-0555
~ I shall speak Thy testimonies before kings, and shall not be ashamed! ~
Psalms 119:46
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