Capitol Update February 2024

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Dear <<First Name>>,

Winter seems to be on its way out. (You never know in Nebraska!) Soon it will be Easter, and it’s hard to believe, but we are over halfway through the 2024 Nebraska Legislative session. Many individuals and churches have chosen a day during this session for dedicated prayer on behalf of Nebraska’s senators and their staff. Undoubtedly, those prayers are making a difference. Thank you! Thus far, the atmosphere on the legislative floor has been more amiable than that of last year. The senators in our Bible study have been encouraged to see things being accomplished because of a desire to work together. I, too, have been encouraged as I visit with those in the Capitol community. Even some of the most negative from last year have been open to conversation this year.

Chaplain of the Day

(You can click on the picture above to watch the opening prayer.)

Recently, I was privileged to serve as the Chaplain of the Day, which meant I could go into the legislative chamber and open the day’s session with prayer. Each senator is allowed to ask up to three people to serve as Chaplain of the Day during the session. Usually, the chaplains are from the senator’s district. Not all the senators choose to ask chaplains, so I have been working hard with the senators in our Bible study group to invite pastors who we know have a genuine heart for God and who will claim the truths of Scripture as they pray. It has been a blessing for me to be able to meet with many of these pastors who come from all over the state. 

Bible Studies

Our Daniel Bible studies are going well. What a godly statesman Daniel was! His love of God, his determination to live a holy life, his commitment to excellence in his work, his courage to speak the truth regardless of his audience, and his refusal to deny Christ in the face of persecution have been a challenge for all of us. May we “dare to be a Daniel,” also.

Read the Daniel Studies

You may remember our asking prayer for a room in the Capitol for the staff Bible studies. We had been meeting about two blocks away, which made it more difficult for the staffers to come, particularly on wintery or rainy days. Through the efforts of one of the senators who requested the governor’s permission, we have been able to use the Warner Chamber just off the rotunda and opposite the Legislative floor. It has definitely been more convenient; although, we miss the mealtime fellowship. Unfortunately, we are not able to have food in the Warner Chamber. One of the senators has graciously opened his office so that we may offer “grab and go” lunches after the study. However, this has required adjustment in our mealtime offerings as not all of them lend themselves to a sack lunch.

Prayer Requests

We are already thinking ahead to the end of the session when we will have to say “good-bye” to about half of the faithful senators who attend our Bible study, as their time will expire because of term limits. They will be greatly missed. Please be praying with us that God will bring godly men and women to fill in the gap that will be left by their departure.

We are still unsure of the salvation of some of our attendees. Please continue to pray that the Word of God will not be hindered and that hearts will be tender and responsive to the working of the Holy Spirit. We are grateful for each of you who join us in this ministry. Your prayers, words of encouragement, and financial gifts are making a difference for the cause of Christ. 

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Rejoicing with you in a risen Christ and the hope that the resurrection brings!

Blessed by His grace,

Arin Hess, Chaplain and President
Capitol Studies

I shall speak Thy testimonies before kings, and shall not be ashamed!
Psalm 119:46

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