Looking Ahead to Next Year

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Dear <<First Name>>,

It can be hard to believe, but the start of the 2024 Legislative Session is just around the corner in Nebraska. As we reflect back on the past year, and look ahead to the next, we can observe so much for which we can be thankful and much with with to be encouraged!

Looking Back at 2023
In our “off-season” staff study on sanctification, “Changed into His Image,” we had good times of discussion, which indicated additional study being done outside the Bible study time. The transforming power of the Gospel continues to amaze us. This has been so evident in the life of one of the members of the Capitol community, who placed personal saving faith in Christ a year and a half ago.

The week before Thanksgiving we were spiritually refreshed through a state chaplains’ conference held in Austin, Texas. What a blessed time we had around God’s Word! It was such an encouragement to be with others who could understand the needs and burdens but could also rejoice in the victories. The roundtable discussions were particularly beneficial in providing ministry “helps.”

As most of you are probably aware, the lobbying complaint filed against me earlier this year for allegedly trying to influence legislation was dismissed. Our Bible studies focus on what God says about all areas of our lives, including what He commands as right and wrong. The purpose of these studies is not to lobby for specific legislation. However, I will always be “lobbying for Jesus,” so to speak.

Looking Ahead to Next Year

As we begin a new year, pray that there will be open doors for ministry with the new senators and staff members joining the Capitol community. We will be starting a new series on the life of Daniel, a civil servant in Babylon. Please pray for wisdom in developing the studies, and that God will use them to meet needs and impact hearts for His glory. It is easy for our faithful attendees to become “weary in well-doing.” This past year’s contentious session was difficult for those on the side of righteousness and godliness. Pray for encouragement, strength, and joy in serving.

It would greatly help us to have a room in the Capitol that is large enough to accommodate our staff studies. Currently, we meet about two blocks north of the Capitol. I know the staff would be grateful if they did not have to leave the building, particularly in cold, wintery weather. Please pray that something might become available for us. From time to time, it can become a bit daunting to juggle writing and printing of Bible studies, ordering and making food, visiting one-on-one with those serving in the Capitol, along with serving in our church and making time for family. Please pray that we will be faithful in our own personal times of prayer and Bible reading and that through them, we will be “strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” Pray that we will radiate the joy and love of Jesus.

Support for the Year Ahead

…[Jesus] was traveling from one town and village to another, preaching and telling the good news of the kingdom of God. The Twelve were with Him… and many others who were supporting them…. (Luke 8:1-3)

Similarly to Jesus and His disciples, the ministry of Capitol Studies is funded by a large team of people, most of whom are investing a small amount on a monthly basis. We would like to thank many of you for the ways in which you have prayerfully and financially supported us during the past year. It has enabled us to continue ministering to those in the Capitol community.

As we approach the new year and begin a new legislative session, would you consider partnering with us as we take the good news of Christ, His Gospel, to the Capitol in the year ahead?

Support Capitol Studies

Wishing you God’s continued blessings in the New Year,

Arin Hess, Chaplain and President
Capitol Studies

I shall speak Thy testimonies before kings, and shall not be ashamed!
Psalm 119:46

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