With Great Sadness

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Dear <<First Name>>:

With Great Sadness

    It is with great sadness we report that Perry Gauthier has passed into the arms of the Lord. Perry’s mission was to fight for God’s cause in the halls of government throughout our state, our nation and the world and he did so with grace, dignity and fervor. And, while we mourn his passing, we believe that God’s purpose was fulfilled in Perry and that Heaven welcomes him as a conquering hero.
    Those of us who knew and worked with Perry will miss him greatly. He was a loyal friend and mentor, a scholar in the Word and a tireless worker for the cause of Christ.
    We will send one more email when we know about Perry’s funeral arrangements. We ask that you continue to pray for Perry’s wife, Faith, and the families.

I shall speak Thy testimonies before kings, and shall not be ashamed! ~
Psalms 119:46

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