You’re Invited to a Capitol Studies Meet & Greet!

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Dear <<First Name>>:

Capitol Studies Invites You to a

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Bringing Gospel Hope and Spiritual Strength to Government Leaders
    Capitol Studies is a non-partisan, non-denominational ministry to elected officials and their staff members. In the New Testament, we are challenged to pray “for kings and all who are in authority.” The psalmist said, “I will speak of your testimonies before kings.” Put simply, our mission is to “serve civil servants with Scripture.” We are committed to ministering to legislators and their staff by faithfully teaching God’s Word, praying, and providing pastoral care. Capitol Studies also exists to connect citizens with their elected representatives through prayer and spiritual support. The work of Capitol Studies is for the good of all Nebraska’s leaders, their staff members and, ultimately, for the glory of God.

Because of Calvary,
Arin Hess, Chaplain and President
Capitol Studies Nebraska
Phone: 402-750-0555

I shall speak Thy testimonies before kings, and shall not be ashamed! ~
Psalms 119:46

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Capitol Studies, 4547 Calvert Street, Suite 5, Lincoln, NE 68506

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