Capitol Studies April 2023 Update

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Dear <<First Name>>,

“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease” (Genesis 8:22). As I look out my window, I see green grass, blossoming trees, and bright spring flowers, reminding me that seasons come and go. We are quickly moving through this “season” of the Nebraska Legislature. Note the green in the Senators’ picture. God has worked in some amazing ways, and you have had a big part through your prayers, financial gifts, and food donations.

Ruling Issued by Accountability Commission!

In our last update, I shared with you about a complaint, which was filed by Common Cause, basically stating that I needed to register as a lobbyist because I had influenced specific legislation. I was able to respond to the allegations in written and spoken format and have been waiting for a ruling. Just this week, I received a certified letter saying the Accountability Commission “finds no probable cause to believe a violation has occurred. The Complaint is dismissed.” This is wonderful! I am appreciative of the courtesy of the commission as they did the required investigation. I am also very grateful to the senators and staff members who encouraged me and provided testimony on my behalf. Many of you wrote or told me in person that you were praying with us, also. Thank you; Thank you. Prayer changes things!

Spiritual Warfare Obvious

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12). Sometimes we forget that spiritual warfare is taking place, but it is obvious in the Legislature. Most of you are probably well-aware of the filibustering of bills and personal attacks against senators that have persisted on the senate floor. You may not know, however, that one senator came very close to an amputation because of a serious infection, another was battling difficult kidney issues, one had major sinus surgery as well as chemo treatments, and three daughters of senators spent time in the ICU. Hundreds of people with very opposite viewpoints, often presented in a heated or hateful manner, have swarmed the Capitol for hearings and bill readings, making it hard to even move through the halls. These are just a few of the extra stresses, along with 10–12-hour days, that the senators have faced. Most of them have been under extreme duress because of pressure to get bills to the floor, get them through the filibusters, and then get them signed into law. As I write this, we are on Day 69 of our 90-day legislative session, and only a handful of bills have reached the governor’s desk.

Continued Prayer Requested

I am urging the Senators to claim Galatians 6:9: “Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.” Keep praying for the Capitol community as a whole, but particularly pray for those who are committed to doing what God wants them to do. It is hard to stand for truth in a loving manner when people around you are filled with hatred and are very vocal about it. Please pray that despite bitter opposition, the words of the song, “I Saw Jesus in You,” by Ron Hamilton, will be true in all our lives:

I saw Jesus in you. I saw Jesus in you. I saw Jesus in you. I could hear His voice in the words you said. I saw Jesus in you. In your eyes I saw His care. I could feel His love was there. You were faithful, and I saw Jesus in you.

Together we are making a difference for Christ,

Arin Hess, Chaplain and President
Capitol Studies

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I shall speak Thy testimonies before kings, and shall not be ashamed!
Psalm 119:46

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