Capitol Studies Update for April, 2021

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Capitol Studies Update
April, 2021

Capitol Studies new Ministry Leader Arin Hess and his wife, Anne Marie

Ministry Leader
     The board of directors is pleased to announce Pastor Arin Hess as the next Ministry Leader of Capitol Studies.  He will assume leadership of the ministry in late May 2021.
     Pastor Hess ministered to Community Bible Church in Norfolk, NE, for over 40 years, serving as a youth pastor, associate pastor, and senior pastor.  He was also the administrator of Park Avenue Christian School and Academy and was instrumental in the start-up of the Nebraska Association of Christian Schools, a state chapter of the American Association of Christian Schools, on which he also served as a board member.
     Pastor Hess earned BA and MA degrees in Bible from Bob Jones University.  He also has completed over 30 semester hours toward a doctorate in Pastoral Theology.
     Pastor Hess and his wife Anne Marie of 41 years have four grown children: Sarah, Catherine, Jonathan, and Luke.  They also have five grandchildren: Dawson, Dylan, Zoe, Lola, and JJ (Jackson Jordan).
     The board is grateful to Dr. Phil Kayser and Jason Kirsch for their efforts in screening several candidates for the position and to Senators Clements, Arch, and Erdman for their counsel.  Thank you!
     We lift thankful prayers to God for Pastor Hess and Anne Marie—may His will be done for His glory!

Best of Perry Series

The “Best of Perry” Series
     In honor of our dear friend, mentor, and leader, the late Rev. Perry Gauthier, we have launched the “Best of Perry” series.
     The series highlights Perry’s most poignant segments of his many interviews, sermons, and podcasts.

     New episodes are released weekly and can be found on the Capitol Studies website at: https//  They may also be heard on Apple Podcasts, Breaker, Google Podcasts, Pocket Casts, RadioPublic, and Spotify. 
     Additionally, the series is available on the Capitol Studies YouTube channel at

501(c)(3) Update
    Unfortunately, the IRS has not yet ruled on our reinstatement.  Please continue to pray for a favorable ruling.

President Calvin Coolidge

Senator Bible Studies
     The Nebraska Senators and staff have finished reviewing the 2014 study of the Seven Deadly Sins series. 
     They are now reviewing complementary special topics to the Seven Deadly Sin series that Rev. Gauthier created from the book of Luke. One of these special studies featured President Calvin Coolidge and his efforts to control out of control taxation and governmental greed.
     The Legislative session is anticipated to end by Memorial Day.

     On behalf of the Board of Directors we want to express our great appreciation for your thoughts, prayers and support during this challenging transition period.

Don Fairfax
Interim President

I shall speak Thy testimonies before kings, and shall not be ashamed! ~
Psalms 119:46

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