Capitol Studies Chaplain and President Arin Hess
and his wife, Anne Marie
Dear Supporters, I officially began my ministry with Capitol Studies on May 24. That was the week the legislative session ended; consequently, I have not yet started Bible studies with the senators and their staff members. This has allowed me a little more opportunity to settle in at the office and set up things there. So many things Perry did were second nature to him. Not so for me. Pastoring a local church is quite different from my ministry now. Therefore, my learning curve has been extensive.
I have enjoyed learning from those who have so effectively kept the ministry going for the last 6 months. I am working hard to connect names, faces, and contact information. I am becoming more acquainted with the capitol building itself and its personnel. The security team knows that I care and I am willing to pray with them and for them any time the need arises.
Gratitude for Senators Clements and Arch
Earlier this month, I had individual meetings with Senator Clements (left) and Senator Arch (right). They were the volunteer leaders of the senators’ Bible study this past session. It was an encouragement to hear their testimonies and their vision for Nebraska. I also had lunch with a group of staffers to get their input on the upcoming Bible studies.
Moving Forward
Having taken a brief family vacation to Minnesota, I am eager to move forward. I have appointments in the days ahead with other senators, staffers, the governor, and supporters.
Governor Ricketts has called a special legislative session September 13-30. Senator Lowe asked if I would provide a bible study during this special session. I have committed to teach a brief study on Nehemiah, a civil servant who was used by God to rebuild the walls and gates of Jerusalem. I covet your prayers.
Prayer Requests Satan is opposed to our efforts. His opposition is real. Please pray that the Bible studies will be well-attended. Pray for a hedge of protection for our state representatives who are trying to bring light to a dark world. Pray that people will be receptive as I ask them to prayerfully and financially support Capitol Studies. It is not my favorite thing to ask for money, but I know God uses human instruments to accomplish His work. He also rewards the cheerful giver. We need willing volunteers, committed donors and prayer warriors. I trust you will continue to serve God in these roles and recruit others to serve where they can. You are appreciated.
Because of Calvary,
Arin Hess, Chaplain and President
Capitol Studies Nebraska
Phone: 402-750-0555
~ I shall speak Thy testimonies before kings, and shall not be ashamed! ~
Psalms 119:46
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