Capitol Studies Update for October, 2021

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Dear <<First Name>>:

Capitol Studies Update
October, 2021

Capitol Studies Chaplain and President Arin Hess
and his wife, Anne Marie

Dear Partners in Ministry,
    I am excited to share the latest update on Capitol Studies. In the last couple of months, I have gained a better grasp of the ministry and its impact. I completed two studies from Nehemiah 1 and 2 with Senators and staff in September. The Bible studies were well-received. We even had the Lt. Governor join us for the second study. I plan to continue in Nehemiah once the legislature reconvenes in January 2022. Though the Senators have returned to their homes, their staff assistants will continue to work at the Capitol.  Many of them have indicated a desire to continue with weekly Bible studies during the off session. I am grateful for this opportunity and am preparing a five-week Bible study from 1 John, entitled Assured Fellowship. Around Thanksgiving and Christmas, I may do some topical studies.

A Recent Senators’ Bible Study

    Each week, I reach out to other civil servants not directly involved with the Nebraska Legislature, as well. Everyone, from the janitor to the governor, needs the Gospel. At some point, I would love to be able to offer Bible studies for each of these. Governor Ricketts did graciously agree to meet with me and gave his personal endorsement to our ministry. Hopefully, we can get other state leaders to support Capitol Studies both verbally and visibly.

Pastor Hess and Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts

Our Staff and Volunteers
    The Capitol Studies team has continued to help me with many parts of the ministry, many behind the scenes in our office. I am especially grateful to those who created the eye-catching design for each printed study. Every senator receives one of these. We hope to impact even those who do not attend the Bible studies. Other team members provided or funded meals for each of the four studies. Lunchtime is often the only break for these legislative representatives, so the good food was greatly appreciated. We are looking for additional volunteers to help host or fund a meal for the staff studies in October through December. If this is something you could do, please let us know.
    Last month, my wife, Anne Marie, and I had the opportunity to share the ministry of Capitol Studies in a missions conference at Stockham Community Church. We had a wonderful time of fellowship with these faithful supporters. It has been great to connect with churches, and people, who partner with us in outreach. Without their gifts, Capitol Studies could not minister in the same way. If any of you would like to help in raising financial support, it would be a special blessing. I know God uses human instruments to accomplish His plan. In related news, we are pleased to report that our 501c-3 tax exemption has been approved retroactive to 2012.

God Answers Your Prayers
    God has clearly answered your prayers. It was so exciting to hear the senators participate in the Bible study and then share prayer requests and praises with one another. They specifically mentioned the feeling of Satanic opposition when they strive for truth and right. I assured them you and I would be praying for their protection and victory. Please pray, also, that people will be receptive as I speak to them about their need for the Lord Jesus Christ and growth in His Word. We need prayer warriors, willing volunteers, and committed donors. Thank you, each one, for your part. May God bless you!

Because of Calvary,
Arin Hess, Chaplain and President
Capitol Studies Nebraska
Phone: 402-750-0555

I shall speak Thy testimonies before kings, and shall not be ashamed! ~
Psalms 119:46

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