“Oh, happy day…” has been sung at centuries of Good Friday worship services celebrating the goodness of God who sent His only Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins on Calvary’s hill. And this is a Very Good Friday for us! It is with great joy that Faith and I announce that the Lord has led us to build a brand new organization—Capitol Studies, Inc. within which we will continue our “missions to politicians,” based on our foundation of 13 years of vigorous service to civil servants in America’s political realm.
From our base in Lincoln, Nebraska, we are using the experience and resources gained from our 30-year-long, professional, ministerial foundation to build and expand on the work we have already done in His Name. We would greatly value your ongoing, seamless support directed through our tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) organization Capitol Studies (see the links below).
Please reach back to discuss how we can continue to collaborate, and greatly expand our opportunities, reaching political leaders for Christ—starting now!
We remain your servants as Capitol missionaries for the King of all kings (1 Timothy 6:15)!
~ Capitol Studies—Serving Civil Servants With Scripture ~
Our new website is CapitolStudies.org.
To join our support team, please visit CapitolStudies.org/donate.
To donate via AFT/ACH, please contact us with your bank information.
To donate by mail, please make your check to “Capitol Studies” and send to the address below.