Summer Schedule

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Dear <<First Name>>:

Summer Schedule

Summer has given us a bit of a different schedule at the Capitol since the Legislature is not in session. I just have one main Bible study session on Wednesdays during the lunch hour. Typically, we have about 15 staffers attending, with an occasional visit from a senator who is in town. We just finished Lesson #13 of the WallBuilders DVD series, “Foundations of Freedom.” It focused on the Biblical principles for civility and manners as observed by our country’s founding fathers. Clearly, we do not see these same principles in practice very often today. Instead, many in our country quickly attack anyone who does not believe the same way they do. The staffers discussed the disrespect, anger, slander, and hatred that they, and their senators, often experience.

Rarely are principles such as “in honor prefer one another,” “do not sharply rebuke an older man, but rather appeal to him as a father, to the younger men as brothers,” and “be quick to hear, slow to speak, and slow to anger” exhibited in political or everyday life. Yet, as Christians we must fix “our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame,” and “in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity, show [ourselves as] an example of those who believe.” Please pray with us that these qualities will shine forth in the life of every Christian at the Capitol, regardless of the attacks.

One-on-One Opportunities

I have had more opportunity to visit one-on-one with some of the staffers this summer, which has allowed me to use Scripture in addressing personal and spiritual needs. In my last update, I mentioned beginning a personal Bible study with one of them. Thank you for praying that the plan of salvation would be clear, and the convicting power of the Holy Spirit would be felt. We continue to meet as our schedules allow, and I can see God is working. Please keep praying!

Touring the Capitol

In the last few months, I have also given several tours of Nebraska’s Capitol, highlighting the prominent Christian themes exhibited in the wall murals and sculpture, both inside and out. When the Capitol was built, much emphasis was put on the Christian foundation for our country and its laws. Moses, Solomon, Deborah, and Ezekiel are just a few of the Biblical characters displayed.

One of these tours was for the Beran family. This was right after the meal which they so graciously provided. Bringing breakfast for the senators once a month was a priority for this homeschool family, and the senators so enjoyed seeing the young family members helping. (They also really enjoyed the yummy bagel sandwiches!) We have greatly appreciated the gifts of time and substance that Matt and Sheri and their family have made over the years. But now it is time for someone else to take their place as the Beran family will soon be moving to Omaha and will be unable to continue in this meal ministry. Just recently, I asked one of the staff members why he started coming to the Bible studies, and he said, “I heard there was going to be good food.” Jesus used food to open doors and minister to people, and we are striving to do the same.

Thank You for Your Prayers and Support!

Whether it’s making something at home, ordering a meal, or providing a financial gift for the meal, if we each do what we can, God will bless. Would you consider ministering for God in this way? Thank you for your support of Capitol Studies physically, financially, and prayerfully. It is making an eternal difference!

Striving together for Him,
Arin Hess, Chaplain and President
Capitol Studies
Phone: 402-770-6270

I shall speak Thy testimonies before kings, and shall not be ashamed! ~
Psalms 119:46

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